Another string of thoughts from someone else on the internet.

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite season of year? Why?

Truthfully, I like all the seasons for different things. However, I cannot stand the heatwaves that hit California in the summer, nor the sobering sting on my face from the winter cold when I rush to my car early in the morning. And my allergies always seem to worsen in the fall and spring when the forceful winds pick up the dust and pollen from the trees.

As a child, the summer meant that I could have a break from school. I did not have to do my homework nor wake up early enough to catch the bus. The fall and winter seasons were just as nice because the holidays rolled in, and I could expect some leniency from my teachers about my grades because “there’s always next year to begin anew.”

But now that I am an adult, there are hardly any breaks and very little leniency from people who hold my livelihood in the palms of their hands. I have come to like each season for different things, but if I had to choose a single season of the four, my choice would be spring.

Spring is when the wildflowers are in bloom, and although my allergies make things unpleasant, I still like seeing the variety of colors that grow in the hills and mountain sides. The air is not as frigid, though there is still a cold chill that greets me in the mornings and in the evenings.

The wild birds are more active. I like watching them as they carefully forage the ground for new material for their nests. My neighbors in particular are always visited by the same couple of sparrows around the wintertime. They like to build a nest in a nook under the roof of my neighbor’s home, and by spring, I can hear hatchlings peeping from the nest.

The mourning dove song is frequent in this time of the year. I noticed that they like to perch in the highest branches of the trees, or on the peaks of the telephone poles, where no human can get to them.

While bees and hummingbirds are a rarity where I live now, they do visit my family’s little garden when our white lilies are in bloom.

It is like people have said over time: spring is a time for new beginnings.

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3 responses to “Spring”

  1. Leakey Mbevi Avatar
    Leakey Mbevi

    Good read 😁


    1. Cassandra D. Avatar
      Cassandra D.

      Thank you so much for reading my post! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Leakey Mbevi Avatar
        Leakey Mbevi

        You’re welcome 🤗


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